Coon Creek Community Watershed Council Inc.

Coon Creek Pilot

The goal of this pilot project is to mitigate the risks of climate change through implementation of climate smart  practices. The Monroe County Land Conservation Department provides technical and agronomic services to  landowners interested in implementing climate smart practices such as improving soil health and implementing flood  mitigation measures. The Coon Creek Community Watershed Council promotes and  educates the community, producers, and  landowners about climate smart practices. 

This  pilot project has the following key goals and priorities. First, build  on existing efforts to develop stories and a culture of climate resilient and economically viable land uses  in prosperous rural communities. Currently, the Coon Creek Community Watershed Council is working  with Greener Pastures at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to collect and archive the oral narratives  of the people who live in this watershed. The importance of that work is that neighbor talks to neighbor, sharing stories, finding common ground, and hearing and learning from one another about how to implement climate smart practices and economically viable land uses. Integration of financial workshops into planned events that addresses the economic viability of land uses is part of this project. Together, these actions will foster a culture of climate  resilience. 

The second goal is to design and implement climate-focused practices, agricultural and forest  demonstration projects, including but not limited to carbon offset projects. A key priority  is to provide technical assistance for design and practice implementation for 5-10 farm, forest,  watershed, and carbon demonstration projects. Identifying farmers and landowners interested in implementation and providing resources and information to them is also a priority.  The Monroe County Land Conservation Department will provide assistance in designing and implementing climate smart practices and demonstration projects.  

Oral Narrative Project
April 2025
CCCWC Board Meeting
Apr 16 2025
5:00 pm

Board Meeting

Coon Valley Conservation Club
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We are farmers, producers, business owners, landowners, and people who live, work, and play here.


113 Central Avenue
Coon Valley, WI 54623
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