Coon Creek Community Watershed Council Inc.


In his book, Historical Agriculture and Soil Erosion in the Upper Mississippi Valley Hill Country, Stanley Trimble writes, “The village of Coon Valley was literally saved by soil conservation” (p.131). During the past year and a half, we have learned from our producers and farmers about the conservation practices that are part of their systems, from no till and cover crops to managed grazing and grade stabilization structures.

Moilien Farm

Grassed waterways and spillway overflowing on the Moilien Farm at the top of the watershed during August 7, 2021, flood.

These are on-the-ground conservationists, putting words into action every day, increasing water infiltration and mitigating flooding. To them we owe our thanks, deepest appreciation and gratitude for doing all that they can to make running water walk in the Coon Creek Watershed.

Stay In Contact

We are farmers, producers, business owners, landowners, and people who live, work, and play here.


113 Central Avenue
Coon Valley, WI 54623
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